
Dr. Doron has worked with senior management and teams of sales, R&D, operations, engineering, HR, and marketing in some of the world’s leading companies. His collaborative workshops empower participants to transform obstacles into opportunities by tapping into their own ideas. Participants learn to reframe challenges and break through conventional mindsets to drive organizational progress.

ד"ר אייל דורון

A Practical Creativity Workshop

Unleash the power of innovation in this immersive half-day workshop. Through global case studies and hands-on experimentation with proven creative management tools, we will cultivate an environment primed for breakthrough ideas. With the practical tools you’ll learn in this workshop, you’ll leave energized to apply your new creative toolkit to any obstacle.

ד"ר אייל דורון

Our Biggest Challenge

Ready to make the next big step, can’t figure out how to get there? Dive headfirst into critical challenges facing your organization, undermine basic assumptions and design breakthrough solutions. We’ll combine the knowledge, skills, and experience of your talents with practical tools in a fast-paced environment. Together, we’ll uncover new paradigms and surprising new business opportunities. You'll be amazed by what's possible when creative force meets necessity.

ד"ר אייל דורון

The Creative Leaders Process

To sustain success amid disruption, leaders must evolve. Over a period of 5-6 sessions, we'll empower your executives to pioneer the future through a tailor-made process. Using experiential learning approaches, we'll equip leaders at all levels with tools that shatter linear thinking, both personally and professionally, and allow them to embrace uncertainty. Help your talents become super-talents and identify who’s going to lead the organization into the future.