Remembering That One Special Teacher

Do you remember that one special teacher who made a true impact on your child? For me, it was Roy, my son's kindergarten teacher.

Over ten years later, my family and I are still grateful for the life-changing year Roy gave my son. With his extraordinary talent for play, creativity, and imagination, Roy turned kindergarten into a magical world.

He saw wondrous qualities in my son that took me years to fully appreciate myself. Roy intuitively knew how to draw out the best in each child under his care.

My son is now nearly 18, but we make sure to keep Roy in our lives. Every holiday season we call him, visit, bring a gift - small tokens of thanks for the dedicated nurturer who helped shape my child's foundation.

Roy and his wife now run their own kindergarten, and I beam imagining the lucky children who get to learn and grow under their guidance.

Take a moment today to remember the Roy in your child's life - that special teacher who unlocked their potential. Let them know what a difference they made. It's a gift that will uplift their calling of educating and spark a lifelong bond.

The teachers who leave indelible impressions deserve our deepest gratitude. They are the roots that allow our children to blossom and flourish.

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